Faculty Mission Statement
Dedicated to its land-grant heritage, the music faculty at Colorado State University are committed to promoting music and pedagogy of the highest quality, serving music education through actions that benefit the students, teachers, and citizens of Colorado.
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Denise Apodaca Master Instructor; Honors Faculty Denise.Apodaca@colostate.edu Piano Nicole Asel Associate Professor of Music Nicole.Asel@colostate.edu Voice Joel Bacon Professor of Music; Stewart and Sheron Golden Chair in Organ and Liturgical Studies; Fr. Don Willette Chair of Catholic Studies Joel.Bacon@colostate.edu Organ Gray Baldwin Instructor of Music Gray.Baldwin@colostate.edu Music Therapy Laura Beer Associate Professor of Music 970-491-8976 laura.beer@colostate.edu Music Therapy Cayla Bellamy Associate Professor of Music; Coordinator of Woodwinds Cayla.Bellamy@colostate.edu Bassoon Tiffany Blake Associate Professor of Music; Coordinator of Voice; Director of Ralph Opera Program Tiffany.Blake@colostate.edu Opera; Voice (Soprano) Meredith Blecha-Wells Assistant Professor of Music Meredith.Wells@colostate.edu Cello Chris Bloom Instructor of Music Chris.Bloom@colostate.edu Tuba; Euphonium Tim Burns Senior Instructor of Music; Collaborative Piano Coordinator Tim.Burns@colostate.edu Piano Jooyeon Chang Instructor of Music Jooyeon.Chang@colostate.edu Collaborative Piano; Piano Class (MU150/ MU151B); Chamber Music (MU408) Sabra Chavez Instructor of Music sabra.chavez@colostate.edu Music Therapy Stanley Curtis Associate Professor of Music (703) 509-0873 Stanley.Curtis@colostate.edu Trumpet James David Professor of Music; Composition, Music Theory (970) 491-4154 James.David@colostate.edu Composition Wesley Ferreira Professor of Music Wesley.Ferreira@colostate.edu Clarinet Copper Ferreira Senior Instructor (970) 491-1584 Copper.Ferreira@colostate.edu Music Theory Ronald Francois Professor of Music; Coordinator of String Area (240) 338-7343 Ron.Francois@colostate.edu Violin; Chamber Music Bill Gavin Associate Professor of Music william.gavin@colostate.edu Music Therapy Research; Experimental Psychology Dan Goble Director of the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance (970) 491-5533 Dan.Goble@colostate.edu K. Dawn Grapes Associate Professor of Music; Coordinator of Musicology; Director of Graduate Studies (970) 491-4134 dawn.grapes@colostate.edu Music History Forest Greenough Associate Professor of Music Forest.Greenough@colostate.edu Double Bass; Music Theory Kathryn Harms Instructor of Music Kathryn.Harms@colostate.edu Harp Eric Hollenbeck Professor of Music; Coordinator of Percussion Eric.Hollenbeck@colostate.edu Percussion Bonnie Jacobi Associate Professor of Music; Director of Colorado Kodály Institute Bonnie.Jacobi@colostate.edu Music Education Erik Johnson Associate Professor of Music E.Johnson@colostate.edu Music Education (Instrumental) Sarah Johnson Instructor of Music Sarah2.Johnson@colostate.edu Music Therapy Galit Kaunitz Assistant Professor of Music Galit.Kaunitz@colostate.edu Oboe Egemen Kesikli Instructor of Music Egemen.Kesikli@colostate.edu Music Theory; Musicology James Kim Associate Professor of Music; Director of Choral Activities James.Kim@colostate.edu Choral Conducting Andrew Knight Associate Professor of Music Andrew.Knight@colostate.edu Music Therapy Darren Kramer Instructor of Music; Jazz Trombone Darren.Kramer@colostate.edu Jazz Trombone Robert Kreutz Instructor of Music (970) 2158537 B.Kreutz@colostate.edu Music Education, Strings Methods Blythe LaGasse Professor of Music; Coordinator of Music Therapy (970) 491-4042 Blythe.Lagasse@colostate.edu Music Therapy Megan Lanz (She/Her) Senior Instructor (720) 695-4287 Megan.Lanz@colostate.edu Music Appreciation; Music as Human Expression (Honors); Honors Independent Studies Jeff LaQuatra Senior Instructor of Music Jeff.LaQuatra@colostate.edu Guitar; Music Appreciation Juhyun Lee Instructor of Music (617) 952-8801 Juhyun.Lee@colostate.edu Piano Drew Leslie Associate Professor of Music; Undergraduate Coordinator; Music Minor Advisor Drew.Leslie@colostate.edu Trombone John Lindsey Assistant Professor of Music John.Lindsey@colostate.edu Voice John McGuire Director of the Department of Music; Associate Professor of Music; Brass Area Coordinator John.McGuire@colostate.edu Horn; Chamber Music Gabriel Mervine Instructor of Music; Jazz Trumpet Gabriel.Mervine@colostate.edu Jazz Trumpet David Mesquitic Instructor of Music; Jazz Piano David.Mesquitic@colostate.edu Jazz Piano Paul Metz Emeritus Associate Professor Paul.Metz@colostate.edu Music Theory Margaret Miller Senior Instructor of Music; Coordinator of Graduate String Quartet Program (719) 660-0878 Margaret.J.Miller@colostate.edu Viola Beth Mosko Instructor of Music 970-581-1403 Beth.Mosko@colostate.edu Music Therapy Dan Obluda Instructor of Music; Music History and Theory Dan.Obluda@colostate.edu G. Murray Oliver Instructor of Music; Graduate Student Enrollment (970) 491-5193 Murray.Oliver@colostate.edu Nathan Payant Instructor of Music; Administrative Coordinator of Music Education; Director of Concert Choir (970) 491-2346 Nathan.Payant@colostate.edu Choral; Music Education Seth Pendergast Assistant Professor of Music Seth.Pendergast@colostate.edu Music Education (Choral) Rebecca Phillips Professor of Music; Director of Bands Rebecca.Phillips@colostate.edu Bands; Conducting John Pippen Assistant Professor of Music John.Pippen@colostate.edu Music History; Ethnomusicology Kevin Poelking Instructor of Music; Assistant Director of Bands; Instructor of Undergraduate Conducting Kevin.Poelking@colostate.edu Bands Lauren Rael Instructor lauren.rael@colostate.edu Color Guard, Marching Band Ysmael Reyes Instructor of Music Ysmael.Reyes@colostate.edu Flute (Undergraduate) Gabriel Santiago Instructor of Music; Jazz Guitar Gabriel.Santiago@colostate.edu Jazz Guitar Michael Seman Assistant Professor Michael.Seman@colostate.edu Arts Management Hyeji Seo Instructor of Music Hyeji.Seo@colostate.edu Piano Abigail Shupe Associate Professor of Music Abigail.Shupe@colostate.edu Music Theory Mike Snell Instructor of Music Mike.Snell@colostate.edu Brass; Music Education Peter Sommer Professor of Music; Saxophone Peter.Sommer@colostate.edu Saxophone; Chamber Music; Jazz Studies Michelle Stanley Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies; Professor of Music; Interim Vice Provost of Undergraduate Affairs 970-491-4350 Michelle.Stanley@colostate.edu Flute Shilo Stroman Senior Instructor of Music; Percussion Shilo.Stroman@colostate.edu Percussion; Jazz Studies; Jazz Percussion; Marching Band (Drumline) Wil Swindler Instructor of Music; Coordinator of Jazz Studies; Director of Jazz Bands Wil.Swindler@colostate.edu Jazz Saxophone; Jazz Jayme Taylor Associate Director of Bands; Director of Athletic Bands; Assistant Professor of Music Jayme.Taylor@colostate.edu Bands; Marching Band Adam Torres Senior Instructor of Music; Director, MM Summer Conducting Program Adam.Torres@colostate.edu Online Curriculum; Music Appreciation; History of Rock and Roll; Conducting; Music History; Music Theory Rachel Waddell Assistant Professor of Music; Director of Orchestras rachel.waddell@colostate.edu Conducting Bryan Wallick Associate Professor of Music; Keyboard Area Coordinator (970) 632-8623 Bryan.Wallick@colostate.edu Piano Jessica Warner Instructor of Music; Coordinator of Community Engagement Jessica.Warner@colostate.edu Community Engagement; Music Education Lindsey Wilhelm Associate Professor of Music; Internship Coordinator (970) 491-0984 Lindsey.Wilhelm@colostate.edu Music Therapy Kyle Wilhelm Clinic Coordinator Kyle.Wilhelm@colostate.edu Music Therapy
Heather Bellotti Human Resources Partner (970) 491-5533 Heather.Bellotti@colostate.edu Jennifer Clary Director of Communications; Director of Recruitment and Enrollment (970) 491-3603 Jennifer.Clary@ColoState.EDU Nicole Darling Administrative Assistant (970) 491-5248 Nicole.Darling@colostate.edu Jim Doser Audio Engineer (970) 491-1879 James.Doser@colostate.edu Elise Kulovany Costume Shop Manager (970) 491-6135 Elise.Kulovany@colostate.edu Jenna Moore Athletic Band Administration &; Ensemble Recruitment Coordinator 970-491-2760 Jenna.Moore@colostate.edu Marjorie Moss Academic Success Coordinator (970) 491-3117 Marjorie.Moss@colostate.edu Peter Muller Venue and Events Manager (970) 491-6798 Peter.Muller@colostate.edu Lillian Nugent Budget Manager 970-491-6429 Lillian.Nugent@ColoState.edu Chloie Piveral Communications Coordinator Chloie.Piveral@colostate.edu Valerie Reed Assistant Events Manager (970) 491-5481 Valerie.Reed@colostate.edu Tate Sanders Master Electrician sanders.tate@colostate.edu Mike Solo Creative Director (970) 491-5293 Mike.Solo@colostate.edu Ethan Urtz Performing Arts Support Specialist Ethan.Urtz@colostate.edu Gretchin Wheeler Administrative Assistant 970-491-3087 gretchin.wheeler@colostate.edu Steven Workman Production Manager/Technical Director; Instructor of Theatre 970-491-1635 Steven.Workman@colostate.edu