Join the CSU Marching Band
Join, Register, and come to Preseason Camp
The CSU Marching Band is committed to serving the university community as a music ambassador and spirit leader. We hope that you will consider joining a tradition of spirit, pride, and musical excellence that will last a lifetime. We want YOU!
Please refer to the information below about how to audition for the band. In each section, there is a link to the marching band intent form. While this form is required for the marching band audition process, it is not an application to the University or the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance.
Please note that acceptance into the marching band is contingent upon acceptance to Colorado State University through the Office of Admissions. OPTION 1: To check your admission status, as well as your financial aid status, login to OPTION 2: Please apply to the university as soon as possible at
To audition to be a music major/minor, please refer to details here.
Thank you for your interest in the 2025 Colorado State University Marching Band. Membership in the CSUMB is open to all students regardless of academic major. Currently, 85% of the CSUMB are non-music majors representing every academic discipline at Colorado State University. Experience in high school marching band is strongly encouraged but not required for participation. Three important criteria for obtaining membership in the CSUMB are:
- a completed 2025 CSUMB INTENT FORM,
- attendance at the entire pre-season camp,
- and, a successful audition during preseason camp.
2025 CSUMB Preseason Camp Dates:
- Returning Member Registration: Friday, August 15, TIME TBD
- New Member Registration: Saturday, August 16,TIME TBD
- Preseason Band Camp: Saturday, August 16 — Saturday, August 23, 2025, 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
- Regular Marching Band Class schedule (Fall semester): Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 4:15-6:15 p.m.
Scholarships: Each member selected for participation in the Colorado State University Marching Band (wind/percussion/color guard/Golden Poms) receives a $615 scholarship during the fall semester. The scholarship is contingent upon registration (full-time university status) and enrollment in MU 204 (Marching Band). Additional scholarships are available for those who audition and are selected for the Presidential Pep Band (fall) and Basketball Pep Bands (fall/spring).
Audition Information: All prospective woodwind and brass members (new and returning members) are encouraged to fill out and submit the 2025 CSUMB INTENT FORM as soon as possible.
Brass and woodwind auditions happen during the first day of preseason camp (Saturday, August 16, 2024). These auditions are used primarily for part assignments and drill placement to ensure students have experience on their chosen instrument. The audition will be the CSU Fight Song; the music is available here.
Are you a potential new member who has been accepted into the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance as a music major? Congratulations on your acceptance into SMTD at Colorado State University. Any music major can participate in the CSU Marching Band; please remember that students in the B.M. with a Concentration in Music Education program have a two-year marching band commitment. All wind students will audition during band camp.
Got questions? We’ve got answers!
Please get in touch with Dr. Jayme Taylor if you have questions about the CSU Marching Band and auditions. Go Rams!
Thank you for your interest in the 2025 Colorado State University Marching Band. Membership in the CSUMB is open to all students regardless of academic major. Currently, 85% of the CSUMB are non-music majors representing every academic discipline at Colorado State University. Experience in high school marching band is strongly encouraged but not required for participation. Three important criteria for obtaining membership in the CSUMB are:
- a completed 2025 CSUMB INTENT FORM,
- attendance at the entire pre-season camp,
- and a successful audition.
2025 CSUMB Preseason Camp Dates:
- Preseason Auxiliary Camp: Thursday, August 14 — Friday, August 15, 2025, 8 a.m.-8 p.m. (Hotel stay provided by the CSUMB for campus resident students who do not live locally)
- Preseason Band Camp: Saturday, August 16 — Saturday, August 23, 2025, 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
- Regular Marching Band Class schedule (Fall semester): Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 4:15-6:15 p.m.; Drumline Sectional held after rehearsal date to be selected based on student availability.
Scholarships: Each member selected for participation in the Colorado State University Marching Band (wind/percussion/color guard/Golden Poms) receives a $615 scholarship during the fall semester. The scholarship is contingent upon registration (full-time university status) and enrollment in MU 204 (Marching Band). Additional scholarships are available for those who audition and are selected for the Presidential Pep Band (fall) and Basketball Pep Bands (fall/spring).
Auditions: All prospective members (new and returning members) must complete the 2025 CSUMB INTENT FORM by Monday, April 28 at 11:59 p.m. to register for auditions.
All candidates will have the option to attend our live audition or submit a video audition. Please note returning members are required to re-audition.
You may audition for the instrument/section of your choice. All candidates are responsible for all exercises as part of the audition process. Your placement will be based on your musicianship, experience, ability, attitude, and the placement the staff feels is best for you within the CSU Marching Band. Please note that once offered membership into the percussion section, your position in the drumline could be adjusted once the full ensemble has been evaluated live.
Audition Exercises: Coming Soon!
Audition Process — Live Audition:
- Saturday, May 3, 2025 from 9 a.m. — 2 p.m., Boomer Halls, University Center for the Arts Building, 1400 Remington Street, Fort Collins, CO.
All candidates auditioning in person should plan to be on campus for the entire audition (9 a.m. – 2 p.m.). Prospective members should bring their own music, practice pad, and sticks. Drums and cymbals will be available to you. If you have any questions, please contact Shilo Stroman. The quality of your performance and submission of the following will be the main factors in the selection process:
- Demonstration of technique on all exercises (posted above):
- You may be asked to perform the audition materials on a drum or practice pad.
- An audible metronome will be present for each exercise.
- Perform as much of the exercise packet as you can at tempos that best represent your playing ability.
- Your feet should mark time with each exercise.
- Marching box drill: 8 steps forward, 8 steps left crab step, 8 steps backward, 8 steps right crab step, and halt. Please use whatever visual technique you are most comfortable with. Your technique from your high school program will be accepted during this demonstration. Note: You are not required to perform this segment with an instrument. Performing this exercise with no equipment is acceptable. We simply want to see you move.
Audition Process — Video Submission:
All candidates who are auditioning are required to submit a video recording by Friday, May 2, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. Prospective members should submit audition materials and create an “unlisted” YouTube via email to Shilo Stroman. Please note that editing your video is not a priority. If you have any questions, please contact Shilo Stroman. The quality of your performance and submission of the following will be the main factors in the selection process:
- Self-introduction no longer than three minutes. Questions to address should include: Where are you from? What high school did you attend? What marching band experience do you have? Why are you interested in being a part of the Colorado State University Marching Band? Is there anything special that you would like to share about yourself? Use this as an opportunity for us to get to know YOU!
- Demonstration of technique through the recording of all exercises (posted above):
- All students auditioning to be a part of the cymbal and bass drum sections should learn and perform the snare packet on a pad or drum while marking time.
- You may perform the audition materials on a drum, practice pad, or similar surface.
- An audible metronome must be present for each exercise.
- Perform as much of the exercise packet as you can at tempos that best represent your playing ability.
- Your feet should mark time with each exercise.
- Your feet, hands, and face should be visible at all times during the performance of the audition material.
- Marching box drill: 8 steps forward, 8 steps left crab step, 8 steps backward, 8 steps right crab step and halt. Please use whatever visual technique you are most comfortable with. Your technique from your high school program will be acceptable to use during this demonstration. Note: it is not required that you perform this segment with an instrument. Performing this exercise with no equipment is acceptable. We simply want to see you move.
Audition Preparation - Live Auditions and Video Submissions:
Please learn, memorize, and be comfortable with the exercises and rudiments in this packet. These exercises and rudiments are responsible for developing a specific musical and technical requirement that is inherent in the successful performance of the music. Everyone interested in playing bass drum and cymbals will audition on snare drum using match grip and should prepare the snare drum part, as many rudiments as possible, and be ready to sight read.
- Those interested in trying out for snare drum should use traditional grip.
- Those interested in tenors should be prepared to play the entire part on the second drum in addition to the split if given.
- We understand that for many of you, percussion may not be your first instrument. Please do your best and try to learn as much of the snare part as possible.
Approach: The approach is the concept behind the sound and the visual presentation. In marching percussion, the visual aspect of producing sound is as important as the sound itself. If it looks good, it probably sounds good. It is, therefore, important to understand and develop a uniform technique.
Each of the exercises should be practiced slowly and gradually sped up. Practicing the exercises slowly allows you (us) the ability to accurately execute the correct rhythms, sticking, and dynamics. I suggest spending the majority of your practice time with a metronome at the low end of the tempo range in front of a mirror.
For most battery exercises, a dynamic marking will be given, defined by the highest point of the stroke in inches. The general rule of thumb for accent/tap playing is 6" of difference between accented and unaccented notes. Example: ff playing would be 12" accent height and 6" unaccented height. Below is how the stick heights correspond with the written dynamics.
- fff — 15’’ full wrist/arm extension — stick is at a 90-degree angle to the drum head
- ff — 12’’
- f — 9’’
- mf — 6’’
- mp — 3’’
- p — 1 ½’’
Things to listen, look and feel in your playing:
- Accurate playing of the part — rhythms, pitches, stickings, dynamics/heights/accents.
- Consistent Tempo — use your ears and your metronome. Record yourself - you’ll be amazed at what you hear.
- Correct Technique (utilize the technique packet):
- Use primarily wrist: the forearm and the elbow should be relaxed and will move slightly as a byproduct of a wrist-initiated stroke.
- Stick(s) should travel straight up and down and/or perpendicular to the drumhead.
- Watch for stick or mallet placement on the drumhead.
- Evenness of sound/height — consistent height of rise in accents/taps etc., the equal downward force between sticks.
- Don’t let the sticking dictate the sound. However, you/(we) stick a rhythm, strive for evenness in sound no matter the sticking.
- Muscular Relaxation — good sound production directly results from relaxed muscular motions.
Got questions? We’ve got answers! Please get in touch with us if you have questions about the CSU Marching Band and auditions. We look forward to evaluating your auditions! Go Rams!
Shilo Stroman, CSU Marching Percussion Coordinator
Dr. Jayme Taylor, Director of Athletic Bands
Thank you for your interest in the 2025 Colorado State University Marching Band. Membership in the CSUMB is open to all students regardless of academic major. Currently, 85% of the CSUMB are non-music majors representing every academic discipline at Colorado State University. Experience in high school marching band is strongly encouraged but not required for participation. Three important criteria for obtaining membership in the CSUMB are:
- a completed 2025 CSUMB INTENT FORM,
- attendance at the entire pre-season camp,
- and a successful audition.
2025 CSUMB Preseason Camp Dates:
- Preseason Auxiliary Camp: Thursday, August 14 — Friday, August 15, 2025, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. (Hotel stay provided by the CSUMB for campus resident students who do not live locally)
- Preseason Band Camp: Saturday, August 16 — Saturday, August 23, 2025, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
- Color Guard Sectional held after rehearsal from 6:15-7:30 p.m. on Wednesdays.
Scholarships: Each member selected for participation in the Colorado State University Marching Band (wind/percussion/color guard/Golden Poms) receives a $615 scholarship during the fall semester. The scholarship is contingent upon registration (full-time university status) and enrollment in MU 204 (Marching Band).
Color Guard Overview: The Color Guard at Colorado State University is one of two auxiliary units within the CSU Marching Band. Membership is selected by audition annually and is open to all students regardless of academic major. Membership in the Color Guard is open to all CSU students regardless of gender identity. The CSU Color Guard is an integral part of the marching band and, through the use of flag, rifle, and dance, helps to elevate and enhance the overall presentation of the marching band.
Auditions: All prospective members (new and returning members) must complete the 2025 CSUMB INTENT FORM AND the 2025 CSUCG Auditions Form by Monday, April 28 at 11:59 p.m. to register for auditions.
All candidates will have the option to attend our live audition or submit a video audition. Please note returning members are required to re-audition.
During both the live and video audition process, candidates are required to wear appropriate athletic clothing (allowing free movement) and footwear.
2025 Color Guard Audition Dates:
- Sunday, May 4, 2025 from 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., at the Glenn Morris Field House: South College Ave, Fort Collins, CO 80523.
- The parking lot can be accessed on the west side of the field house off of South Mason Street in between University Ave and Old Main Dr. Please enter through the door up the ramp. The gym will be the only door on the left as soon as you enter the building.
- You may bring food/snacks, but it is not allowed to be eaten inside the gym. Water is the only liquid allowed in a closed top water bottle.
Audition Process:
This event is an in-person live audition for anyone interested in joining the Fall 2025 CSU Color Guard. Interested individuals who cannot make the live auditions can submit videos instead. All video auditions are due by Friday, May 2 at 11:59 p.m. Videos are to be submitted to There is no fee to audition.
**All candidates must submit answers to the following questions PRIOR to their live audition in the form of a typed or written document OR a pre-recorded video OR a voice message. Documents may be given to the instructor(s) the day of the audition. Documents or pre-recorded answers can be submitted along with virtual audition videos. Failure to complete and submit answers may affect potential placement on the team.
- General information about yourself, your experience with color guard, and your band/color guard-related values
- What motivates you to participate in color guard?
- What has been your greatest accomplishment in color guard?
- What has been your hardest struggle?
- How do you calm yourself down in stressful situations?
- How do you plan to balance color guard with the rest of your time?
- Define "excellence"
In addition to the above, please answer how you would respond in the following hypothetical situations.
- The team is packing up and starting to leave the rehearsal site. You notice trash on the ground that isn’t yours. What do you do?
- In the practice block, the instructors have pointed you out to make a correction. How do you respond?
- The instructors are working with another member or a section of the guard on choreography you are not a part of. What are two things you could be doing while you wait for instruction?
- It’s game day and the instructor is reviewing choreography but you are having a hard time hearing them. What are three things you could do or ask in this situation?
Audition Process – Video Submission:
All videos should be submitted via “Unlisted” YouTube video links. Please note that editing your video is not a priority. The quality of your performance and submission of the following will be the main factors in the selection process:
- Self-introduction (same requirements as listed above)
- Demonstration of technique (flag and dance required, rifle is optional)
- Answers to the above questions and hypothetical situations (typed or video/voice recorded)
- Demonstration of audition choreography to the best of your ability.
Techniques Assessed During Auditions:
Flag Skills
- Drop spins, cones, and flourishes (left and right side)
- Tosses to include up to a double (left and right). Please also record parallel tosses, 45’s (lasso's, one-handed, inverted, etc.), pole tosses, and pop tosses. Please email staff if you have questions about the specifics of these items.
- Double-fast spins and/or triplet (flower) spins
Dance Skills
- Chassés, sautés, and turns
- Jazz walk and jazz run
- Tour
- Prance
- Jeté
Rifle Skills (encouraged but not required)
- At least 100 spins on both sides (left and right)
- Flourishes/wrist flexibility
- Singles back and forth at flat, 45˚ angle, and vertical on both sides (left and right) – commonly referred to as 'starts and stops.'
- Doubles, both on left hand and as a "blade" toss on the right
- Parallel single and double
- Triples
- Quads
Demonstration of Choreography
A video demonstrating the audition choreography will be posted soon. Those who fill out the 2025 CSUMB INTENT FORM will be notified when this resource is available.
Optional Pre-Audition Clinic:
For those interested in additional instruction with the techniques required for the audition, we are offering an optional skills clinic on Sunday, April 13th from 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM. The clinic location is the Boomer Halls in the University Center for the Arts Building: 1400 Remington St, Fort Collins, CO. Attendees will have the opportunity to work with CSU Color Guard Instructor, Jess Cialone, and practice required skills prior to audition deadlines.
Sign up for this free clinic with this registration link. Whether or not a candidate attends the clinic will not impact final audition results.
Got questions? We’ve got answers! Please contact us if you have questions about the audition process.
Jess Cialone, CSU Color Guard Instructor
Dr. Jayme Taylor, Director of Athletic Bands
Golden Poms Overview: The CSU Golden Poms at Colorado State University is part of the spirit teams within the Athletic Department. In addition, the Golden Poms perform in pre-game and half-time with the CSU Marching Band. Membership is selected by annual tryouts that occur through the Athletic Department, and is open to all CSU students regardless of academic major. Selection for the Golden Poms requires good academic standing, and a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher. The Golden Poms are an integral part of the marching band and, through the use of dance help elevate and enhance the overall presentation of the marching band.
Scholarships: Each member selected for participation in the Colorado State University Marching Band (wind/percussion/color guard/Golden Poms) is eligible to receive a $615 scholarship during the fall semester. The scholarship is contingent upon registration (full-time university status) as well as enrollment in MU 204 (marching band).
For detailed information about tryouts, preseason training, performances, and all other aspects of the Golden Poms dance team, please check the CSU Spirit Teams website and contact:
Dawn Burton "Coach Dawn," CSU Cheer Head Coach & Spirit Director
Lauren Rael "Coach Lauren," CSU Golden Poms Coach