Audition to be a Music Major or Music Minor
Audition Dates for Fall 2025
- Saturday, Jan. 25 – virtual morning/in-person afternoon
- Saturday, Feb. 15 – in person only, all-day
- Monday, Feb. 17 – virtual only, noon – 4:30 p.m.
- Saturday, Feb. 22 – in person only, all-day
Applications submitted after Feb. 22 will be considered on a space-available basis.
Audition Dates for Fall 2026
- Saturday, Jan. 24 – virtual morning/in-person afternoon
- Saturday, Feb. 14 – in person only, all-day
- Monday, Feb. 16 – virtual only, afternoon
- Saturday, Feb. 21 – in person only, all-day
- Apply to CSU through the Office of Admissions.
- We encourage you to apply for admission to the university as soon as possible during your senior year (for fall entry, please apply by Nov. 15 for early action and Jan. 15 for regular decision).
- Refer to your degree and instrument/voice audition requirements (on this page).
- For most degrees and instruments, students have the option to audition either in person or virtually.
- You may audition/interview prior to being accepted to CSU through the Office of Admissions.
- Fill out your CSU Music program audition application and schedule your audition/interview session(s). The application will open in September.
- Please read the in-person and virtual audition details on this page.
- Acceptance, waitlist, or deny letters will either be sent on a rolling basis following audition dates or by March 5 (some studios elect to hear all auditions before sending any decision letters).
- Decisions for students who auditioned after Feb. 22 will be sent on a rolling basis.
- Please notify us of your intent to attend CSU as a music major/minor by May 1 to ensure that there is space available in the program.
- CSU Music merit scholarships are awarded based on the results of the music major/minor audition and the application submitted through the Acceptd portal. There is not a separate audition or review process for scholarships.
- Scholarships will only be offered to students who have applied to CSU through the Office of Admissions.
- Scholarship notification will be sent by email on March 18, 2024.
- Please accept your scholarship offer by May 1.
- Full list of undergraduate scholarships.
Audition Details
- All prospective students will submit an audition application through the Acceptd audition portal.
- Please refer to this page for the audition requirements, suggested repertoire, and interview details for your instrument and degree area.
- Once the audition application is complete, you will schedule your in-person audition session(s).
- Session Details:
- Students will have a 10–15-minute session where they will play and interview with an applied music faculty panel. In addition to the required repertoire for your instrument, scales and sight reading may be requested. Voice students will be vocalized (aural skills testing) during the session.
- Music Education Applicants: Prospective students will have an interview with the music education faculty. Sight-reading and pitch-matching abilities will be assessed during the interview. Please refer to the music education audition details on this page. The interview is in addition to your instrument audition session (refer to the requirements for your instrument on this page).
- Music Therapy Applicants: Prospective students will have a 20-minute interview with the music therapy faculty. The session includes singing three songs and sight-reading. Please refer to the music therapy audition details on this page.
- No Studio Track: Music Therapy applicants who DO NOT wish to be in a studio (no-studio track) will not have an instrument-playing audition.
- Studio Track: Music Therapy applicants who DO wish to be in a studio (studio track) will have an instrument audition session. Refer to the requirements for your instrument on this page.
- Day-of Details
- All prospective students choosing to audition virtually will submit an audition application and audition video through the Acceptd audition portal.
- Refer to the audition requirements and suggested repertoire for your instrument and degree area on this page.
- Video audition length should be about ten minutes and selected pieces should represent your best ability. Scales should be included as part of your video audition.
- Once your audition application is submitted, including your audition video, you will schedule your virtual interview session(s).
- The interview with an applied music faculty panel may include additional scales and sight reading. Voice students will be vocalized (aural skills testing) during the interview.
- Music Education Applicants: Prospective students will have an interview with the music education faculty. Sight-reading and pitch-matching ability will be assessed during the interview. Please refer to the music education audition details on this page. The interview is in addition to your instrument audition session (refer to the requirements for your instrument on this page).
- All Music Therapy Applicants: Prospective students will have a 20-minute interview with the music therapy faculty. The session includes singing three songs and sight-reading. Please refer to the music therapy audition details on this page.
- Music Therapy applicants who DO NOT wish to be in a studio (no-studio track) will not have an instrument-playing audition.
- Music Therapy applicants who DO wish to be in a studio (studio track) will have an instrument audition session. Refer to the requirements for your instrument on this page.
- As part of the audition registration process, please upload an artistic/performance resume and statement of purpose. An artistic resume is a list of the performances that you have participated in, groups you have performed in, a list of solos or instances when you have been individually featured in a piece of music, competitions you have entered, awards you have won, Teachers with whom you have studied, and any other information that you feel tells us something about what you have done as an artist.
- Your artistic resume should include a personal statement that considers the following:
- What interests you about being a music major or minor at CSU?
- What skills, interests, and experiences would you like to have or develop here?
- You are also asked to provide the names and email addresses of two references.
Students accepted into the music major or minor must complete a short online music theory exam for diagnostic purposes. This ensures that students are placed in the proper course in the fall for their level of experience with music theory. Results assist us with advising and fostering student success. Results of the exam are not used in determining acceptance into a music degree program. Students accepted into the music program will be sent a link to the diagnostic exam, which will take about half an hour to complete.
If you have questions about this process, please contact
Degree Audition/Interview Requirements
All students wishing to enroll in this degree program must first be accepted to the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance by completing an audition on their primary instrument/voice. Prospective composition students should meet the Bachelor of Arts level requirement for their instrument. After completion of the audition, students will be enrolled as general music majors during their freshman year.
During the spring semester of their freshman year, prospective composition majors will complete an entrance interview with the composition faculty. Students will provide at least two scores (original compositions only) composed in the past five years as part of the interview process. Successful completion of the interview will be based on the quality of the scores submitted and the student’s general knowledge of music and background in composition.
Please also follow the requirements for your instrument/voice listed below. Please follow the audition/interview day details listed on this page.
The music education audition session is comprised of an interview and a skills test. Please note that you must also audition on your instrument by signing up for a playing audition time slot. In all, to audition to be a music education major, you will sign up for two audition sessions: one session with music education faculty and one playing session.
- Interview: As part of the music education audition session, students will have a 10-minute interview with Music Education faculty members.
- Skills Test: As part of the music education audition session, following the interview, you will be asked to take a basic skills test for diagnostic purposes:
- Sight singing, including singing a few short diatonic melodies and short pitch-matching exercises.
- Keyboard proficiency, including sight reading a simple two-hand exercise.
- Instrument Audition: prepare the required materials for your principal instrument.
Suggested Preparation for Your Music Education Interview
- Formal dress is recommended.
- Come prepared to discuss your reasons for pursuing music education, your personal goals, and any experience working with kids.
- Bring 1-2 questions you have about the degree program.
Please also follow the requirements for your instrument/voice listed below. Please follow the audition/interview day details listed on this page.
Audition Required of All Music Therapy Applicants
Students applying for the B.M. in Music Therapy must interview and audition with Music Therapy faculty members.
Prospective music therapy students can also audition to be part of an applied studio (i.e., flute, violin, voice), in addition to the music therapy area. Acceptance into an applied studio is necessary if a student will engage in lessons on their primary instrument for their elective credits. Studio membership is not required for entry to the music therapy program and students may elect to enter on a “no studio” track.
Please note that CSU Music scholarships are primarily funded through applied instrument/voice studios and students seeking larger scholarship awards must audition for an applied studio (and continue playing in the studio/ensembles to maintain their scholarship).
Music Therapy Track WITH applied studio lessons on your instrument/voice.
- In addition to the Music Therapy audition interview, this track requires a successful audition on your instrument/voice prior to entrance.
- Students interested in music therapy WITH applied instrument/voice studio lessons must complete two audition sessions: one audition/interview session with the music therapy faculty AND one playing session on your instrument/voice. As studio space is limited, students must be accepted into an applied instrument/voice studio to take lessons.
- To get started, in the Acceptd application, select the music therapy major, then select an instrument/voice studio.
- Once your Acceptd application is submitted, sign up for a music therapy audition/interview session timeslot AND an instrument/voice audition timeslot.
- The applied instrument/voice studio audition is evaluated by faculty in that area (for instance, a flute player will be evaluated by members of the woodwind faculty). The music therapy audition/interview is evaluated by the music therapy faculty.
- All students applying to be a music therapy major must demonstrate a strong musical foundation, including accurate pitch perception and vocal skills.
- Music therapy students who audition for and are accepted into an applied instrument/voice studio agree to study in the studio for the full academic year.
Music Therapy Track WITHOUT applied studio lessons on your instrument/voice
- This track does NOT require an audition on your instrument/voice prior to entrance. The Music Therapy audition interview is required.
- Students interested in music therapy WITHOUT applied instrument/voice studio lessons will ONLY complete the music therapy audition/interview.
- To get started, in the Acceptd application select the music therapy major “No Studio” category.
- Once your Acceptd application is submitted, sign up for a music therapy audition/interview session timeslot.
- The music therapy audition/interview is evaluated by the music therapy faculty.
- All students applying to be a music therapy major must demonstrate a strong musical foundation, including accurate pitch perception and vocal skills.
Audition Required of All Music Therapy Applicants
All prospective music therapy students will be asked to complete the following audition and interview process for the music therapy program. Students who wish to take lessons in an applied studio (i.e., flute, voice) also need to audition for that studio (see studio instrument audition information below). However, studio membership is not required for entry to the music therapy program and students may elect to enter on a “no studio” track.
The music therapy audition session consists of a 20-minute interview and audition. You will sign up for this time slot when you submit your audition application in Acceptd. During this audition/interview session, you will be asked to:
- Sing three prepared songs from different genres (i.e., one children’s song, one popular music song, and one country song). You are encouraged to accompany yourself (i.e., guitar, piano, etc.) while singing these songs; however, you may sing a cappella or use a recorded accompaniment if you have no prior accompaniment instrument experience.
- Sightread rhythms and play-by-ear/match pitch.
- Interview with faculty regarding your understanding of music therapy, why you have selected the music therapy major, and what you will contribute to the program.
Decisions following the music therapy audition process
- Accepted to an instrument applied studio and the music therapy major: Students would take lessons in the applied studio for at least one academic year as a part of their music therapy coursework.
- Accepted to a studio but not the music therapy major: Students could pursue another music degree program (such as the Bachelor of Arts) and study within the applied studio. Students may reapply for the music therapy program for the next academic year.
- Accepted to the music therapy major but not accepted to the applied studio: Students could join the music therapy program; however, they would not take lessons in the applied studio in their first year. Students may re-audition for the applied studio in their second year at CSU. Students are still eligible to audition for an ensemble.
Please also follow the requirements for your instrument/voice listed below. Please follow the audition/interview day details listed on this page.
Please follow the requirements for your instrument/voice listed below. Please follow the audition/interview day details listed on this page.
Audition Requirements
In addition to the performance degree audition requirements listed on the individual instrument web pages, students must also audition for the jazz area.
- Prepare two jazz standards and/or classics of your choice, including melody and improvisation (accompaniment will be provided, or the auditioning student can provide an audio track)
- Pianists should also be prepared to play accompaniment (comp) on the chord progression
- Bassists should also be prepared to play a bass line in the appropriate style on the chord progression
- Drummers should prepare multiple jazz styles including swing, bossa nova, samba, ballad, funk and rock, as well as ¾ time. Drummers should also be prepared to demonstrate knowledge of blues and AABA form.
- Sight reading will also be included in all auditions
Please follow the requirements for your instrument/voice listed below. Please follow the audition/interview day details listed on this page.
A successful audition is required for entrance into the Bachelor of Arts in Music (B.A.) program.
The minor in music track WITH applied instrument/voice lessons requires a successful audition before entrance.
Please also follow the requirements for your instrument/voice listed below. Please follow the audition/interview day details listed on this page.
The minor in music track WITHOUT applied studio lessons on your instrument/voice does NOT require an audition. Students pursuing the "no applied studio" track should fill out this form.
Instrument/Voice Audition Requirements
Please refer to the instructions and requirements provided on individual instrument web pages.