Category Archives: Latest News

Hannah Steward, CSU Trombone Performance Major

Hannah Steward named finalist in International Trombone Association Competition

CSU Trombone Performance Major, Hannah Steward Hannah Steward, a Colorado State University second-year trombone performance major, was recently selected as one of three finalists in the prestigious International Trombone Association Solo Competition. This is the second honor in the last year for Steward, who was previously accepted to the National Symphony Orchestra Summer Music Institute […]

2024 SMTD Wellness Week Promotional Flyer Pictured

School of Music, Theatre, and Dance Host 2024 Inaugural Wellness Week

The School of Music Theatre and Dance hosted an inaugural Wellness Week, April 8th – 12th. Hosted by SMTD’s Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (JEDI) committee, this week-long event included a plethora of activities designed to increase mindfulness, self-care, and community building. Staff, students, faculty, and community partners collaborated to provide opportunities for discussion, reflection, and […]

Promotional Photo for Hannah Steward CSU Music Major

Music major Hannah Steward accepted to National Symphony Orchestra Summer Music Institute

Hannah Steward, a Colorado State University first-year trombone performance major, was one of sixty exceptional young musicians accepted to the prestigious National Symphony Orchestra Summer Music Institute. Steward was excited to see her selection email from The Kennedy Center, especially given the large number of applicants. “Dr. Leslie made a difference just encouraging me to […]

Bugs Bunny

Dr. John Pippen, Bugs Bunny, and the American Musicological Society

What do Bugs Bunny, Leopold Stokowski, and examinations of socioeconomic class have in common? They are all part of a paper presentation by Dr. John Pippen, assistant professor of Ethnomusicology at Colorado State University. Dr. Pippen presented the paper, “Putting Class Back into Classical Music Studies,” at The 89th Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society in Denver, Nov. 9-12, 2023, held jointly with the Society for Music Theory.