Bachelor of Music, Music Education Concentration

Bachelor of Music, Music Education Concentration

The professional degree program prepares students for teaching choral, instrumental, and general music in elementary and secondary schools. This degree prepares students to apply for music teaching licensure (grades K-12) in the state of Colorado. CSU’s outstanding music education faculty members are in demand as clinicians, guest lecturers, conductors, and researchers. A feature unique to the accredited music education curriculum is extensive field experience that students receive throughout their coursework, culminating in a semester of student teaching at the end of the program. Students must select one of two options: instrumental or choral.

Program-level Learning Objectives

  • Develop and apply musical skill that can be flexibly applied and adapted to a multifaceted array of K-12 music learning contexts.
  • Develop practice-based pedagogical skills appropriate for music learning in K-12 music education contexts.
  • Apply and develop instructional acumen through practica and professional internships in K-12 contexts.
  • Understand and evaluate curricula and instructional resources appropriate for the K-12 music education context.

The mission of the music education area at Colorado State University is to prepare outstanding students to be excellent music educators. Equal emphasis is placed on academic achievement, personal musicianship, and teaching skills. Coursework requires a minimum of 126 credit hours.

Teacher Preparation Courses

(Requiring admission to the Teacher Licensure Program and student teaching). For more information on licensure, please visit the following sites:

Music education students at CSU learn in an encouraging, collegial environment with many early opportunities to have field experiences in local schools as early as the freshman year. Students who successfully complete the prescribed curriculum and student teaching are eligible for a Colorado Teaching License and employment as K-12 choral and instrumental music educators.

Applications from pianists

Pianists may audition for the keyboard faculty for the B.M. Music Education degree program as either choral-track or instrumental track. Piano will be considered as the principal instrument on which they will pursue applied study. Piano applicants must also interview with the music education area to be considered for the B.M. Music Education degree program and should have experience as a performing member of one or more large, secondary music ensembles to receive consideration for admittance into the degree program.


For more information about this degree, please contact Dr. Bonnie Jacobi.

The CSU music ed community gives selflessly to the Northern Colorado community, its students, and the Colorado State University educators who have the opportunity to be a part of the magic. The program is awesome and was one of the factors that pulled me to this university so strongly, and has by far exceeded my expectations. (2020 Spring graduate)

The CSU Music Education Program allows for musical growth, and personal growth through meeting new people and creating something tangible... I am ever grateful that I can participate in as a person passionate about serving others. (Spring 2019 graduate)

These students are the reason why we do what we do. I cannot tell you how many times they have surprised me with their work ethic, love for music and kindness towards one another. Working with my peers at CSU was the experience of a lifetime (Spring 2018 graduate)

This is a program that is not like anything else in the world. It’s unprecedented. (Spring 2018 graduate)