Studio Overview
At Colorado State University, the members of the viola studio have a wide variety of backgrounds and share a commitment to the highest level of viola playing. Students have come to CSU from across the country to study in one of the undergraduate or graduate degrees: performance, education, therapy, composition, and the Bachelor of Arts.
In addition to weekly lessons and studio class, violists at CSU have many performance opportunities, including the University Symphony Orchestra, University Sinfonia (which also plays opera performances), and chamber music for both strings and mixed ensembles. Ensemble repertoire is on the stands of the top orchestras and chamber music groups in the country. There are also performances and master classes by guest artists, including the Borromeo Quartet from the New England Conservatory, which is in residence at CSU twice a year.
The University Center for the Arts offers outstanding performance spaces and practice rooms. There are more than 100 music events every semester, as well as theatre and dance.
Our goal at CSU is to provide the best teaching and performing experiences so students are ready for a successful musical career. The viola studio invites you to visit!
Study With

Margaret Miller
- Senior Instructor of Music
- Coordinator of Graduate String Quartet Program
(719) 660-0878
Audition Requirements
Bachelor of Music, Performance
- First movement of a concerto C. Stamitz, Hoffmeister, Zelter, or Hummel: Fantasie.
- Two movements of a Bach suite.
- One major and one minor scale (three octaves).
- An etude of either Mazas or Kreutzer.
Note: memorization of Bach is strongly encouraged.
Bachelor of Music, Music Education; and Bachelor of Music, Music Therapy
- First movement of a concerto by J. Schubert or Zelter
- One movements of a Bach Suite
- Two scales (three octaves)
Bachelor of Music, Composition
- One movement of a concerto or Bach suite
- Two scales (three octaves)
- Prospective composition students will interview for admission to the composition degree at the end of their freshman year; students submit a portfolio of at least two compositions completed in the past five years during the interview.
Bachelor of Arts in Music
- One movement of a concerto or Bach suite
- Two scales (three octaves)
Minor in Music
- One movement of a Bach Cello Suite and a movement of the Telemann Viola Concerto.
- Two scales (three octaves)
Master of Music, Performance Option
- Two scales—one major, one minor—three octaves (fast/slow)
- One movement of a major concerto (Bartok, Walton, Hindemith)
- Two movements of a Bach Suite
- One movement of a sonata (Brahms, Clarke, Hindemith)
Memorization is strongly encouraged for the concerto and Bach portion of the audition.
Master of Music, Music Education Specialization and Master of Music, Music Therapy Specialization
One movement of a concerto, applicant’s choice
Two movements of a Bach Suite
- Two scales—one major, one minor—three octaves (fast/slow)