Tag Archives: School of Music Theatre and Dance

Hannah Steward, CSU Trombone Performance Major

Hannah Steward named finalist in International Trombone Association Competition

CSU Trombone Performance Major, Hannah Steward Hannah Steward, a Colorado State University second-year trombone performance major, was recently selected as one of three finalists in the prestigious International Trombone Association Solo Competition. This is the second honor in the last year for Steward, who was previously accepted to the National Symphony Orchestra Summer Music Institute […]

Isaac Stern Auditorium

Dr. Nathan Payant makes his conducting debut at Carnegie Hall

Dr. Nathan Payant will make his conducting debut at Carnegie Hall in New York, as one of MidAmerica Productions featured conductors on Saturday, April 13, 2024.

Carnegie Hall’s mission is to “present extraordinary music and musicians on the three stages of this legendary hall, to bring the transformative power of music to the widest possible audience, to provide visionary education programs, and to foster the future of music through the cultivation of new works, artists, and audiences. Since it opened in 1891, Carnegie Hall has set the international standard for musical excellence as the aspirational destination for the world’s finest artists.”

Harbinger Coffe Shop

Music’s Impact on Community Spaces: CSU Students’ Ethnographic Studies

A new School of Music, Theatre, and Dance course, Music of the 20th and 21st Centuries (MU 430), offers music majors the opportunity to produce original ethnographic research, which includes observing or interacting with people moving through their chosen environments. The research took place online and in the Fort Collins community – settings where the students found music and/or sound to be an aspect of the human experience – including a local record store, The R Bar, a YouTube channel, and the Harbinger coffee houses.

Bugs Bunny

Dr. John Pippen, Bugs Bunny, and the American Musicological Society

What do Bugs Bunny, Leopold Stokowski, and examinations of socioeconomic class have in common? They are all part of a paper presentation by Dr. John Pippen, assistant professor of Ethnomusicology at Colorado State University. Dr. Pippen presented the paper, “Putting Class Back into Classical Music Studies,” at The 89th Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society in Denver, Nov. 9-12, 2023, held jointly with the Society for Music Theory.

Flowers in front of UCA

Music Education Faculty News

Music Education Faculty News Dr. Bonnie Jacobi Associate Professor of Music; Music Education; Director of Colorado Kodály Institute Music education professor, Dr. Bonnie Jacobi, was selected to serve on a national panel for historical research in music education, which was held at the Normal Symposium for the History of Music Education in Normal, Illinois, in […]

Derek and Liam Smith

2023 Music Alumni Notes

2023 Music Alumni Notes Gregg Cannady, B.M., Music Education, 1985; M.M., Music Education, 1989 Gregg Cannady Gregg co-founded and is COO of the non-profit, One Voice 4 Change, where innovation is the center of global collaborative learning adventures. A glimpse of the miracles that have come from One Voice 4 Change can be seen on […]


Endowment Supporting MSOE: A milestone with roots in service

Endowment Supporting MSOE: A milestone with roots in service Dr. Erik Johnson, Colorado State University music education professor and the director and creator of the Middle School Outreach Ensembles, found a common goal with CSU alum and donor Jim Vidakovich: Service. Both men use art and music to uplift and educate. Jim Vidakovich, B.A., ’69, […]

Flowers in front of UCA

2023 Master’s Graduates

2023 Master’s Graduates   What are your plans, and how has CSU prepared you to be a teacher? Kristen Falls, MME, ‘23 Through my program at CSU, I have worked on my teaching practice. Through experiences working with undergraduates and diving deeper into relevant music education topics, I have been able to reflect on what […]