Quatra Duo Promotional Photo

CSU music professors perform their first concert as a new duo

—By Emily Kaiser, UCA Publicity Intern Colorado State University music professors Michelle Stanley and Jeff LaQuatra, also known as the Quatra Duo, are debuting two new pieces at their upcoming Virtuosos Series Concert, Something New: Music for Flute – Stanley on flute, LaQuatra on guitar. The performance takes place on Monday, Oct. 22 at 7:30 […]

Dr. Joel Bacon promotional photo

Joel Bacon Concert celebrates organ’s 50th anniversary

Organ Professor Joel Bacon is taking audiences back in time during his concert celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Casavant Organ, performing selected pieces from the organ’s 1968 debut concert. The anniversary concert is on Monday, Oct. 15 at 7:30 p.m. at the University Center for the Arts. Event tickets are available at csuartstickets.com. “CSU’s Casavant […]

American Music Therapy Association logo

Blythe LaGasse new editor-in-chief of Journal of Music Therapy

Dr. Blythe LaGasse Appointed Incoming Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Music Therapy The American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) is delighted to announce the appointment of Dr. Blythe LaGasse as the incoming Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Music Therapy (JMT). She will assume her duties as Editor-in-Chief when the next term begins in January. Dr. LaGasse brings […]

University Symphony Orchestra UCA 10th Anniversary concert promotional poster

University Symphony Orchestra Celebrates The 10th Anniversary of the UCA

Special guests include Bernard Scully, former horn player for The Canadian Brass The School of Music, Theatre and Dance at Colorado State University presents the fall University Symphony Orchestra Concert, conducted by Maestro Wes Kenney. The performance is taking place on Thursday, Sept. 20 and Friday, Sept. 21 at 7:30 p.m. at the University Center […]

The Green Room 10th anniversary cover

Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the University Center for the Arts

2018 is a milestone for the visual and performing arts at Colorado State University, marking the tenth anniversary of the official opening of the University Center for the Arts. It was a classic Colorado fall day when the University Center for the Arts celebrated its grand opening a decade ago. Since then, the world-class facility, […]

Faculty Chamber Winds pictured playing a concert in Europe

A Concert for Gary

Please join us for an afternoon concert in celebration and commemoration of the work and life of Dr. Gary Moody. This concert will be a time for the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance and Colorado State University to honor all that Gary has given to the program over his 29-year career. The concert is on […]

Olga Kern promotional photo

World-renowned pianists perform at the UCA starting July 31

On July 31 – Aug. 4, Colorado State University welcomes a one-of-a-kind, international piano competition and festival, giving Northern Colorado the exciting opportunity to hear extraordinary pianists from around the world. The 2018 International Keyboard Odyssiad®& Festival, U.S.A. features internationally renowned pianists, including Van Cliburn medalists, in five riveting evening concerts, alongside an Olympic-styled competition for young pianists ages 11-35.

Student pictured playing Harp

Harp student wins American Harp Society award

CSU harp student Abigail Enssle has won the Anne Adams Awards of the American Harp Society that took place at DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana last week. The student of harp professor Courtney Hershey Bresh was selected into the semi-final round with an unprecedented 24 other competitors representing 15 schools, and advanced to the final […]

Casavant Organ pictured in Organ Recital Hall

CSU’s annual Organ Week features nightly concerts and free public lectures and masterclasses

The six annual Organ Week, a summer organ festival presented by the School of Music, Theatre and Dance at Colorado State University, takes place June 4-7 with concerts, lectures, and masterclasses held at the University Center for the Arts, First United Methodist Church, and First Presbyterian Church in Fort Collins. The School continues its year-long […]

brightly colored children's instruments pictured

Impact of Music Therapy on Attention

Study Participants Needed: Impact of Music Therapy on Brain Responses in Children with Autism We are seeking children ages 6-12 for a study on the impact of a music therapy attention protocol on the brainwaves and behaviors of individuals on the autism spectrum. Purpose of this study: This is a research study to examine if […]