Dr. Cayla Bellamy has article published on curriculum diversification

Cayla Bellamy, CSU bassoon professor, had an article published on New Music USA's New Music Box on "Diversifying Curriculum: Representation, Risks, and Responsible Pedagogy."

The online article includes a video overview of Dr. Bellamy's five steps for ethical inclusion and responsible pedagogy for visual/audio audiences.

According to New Music USA's YouTube post, the article discusses how "increasing diverse representation in our programming with student musicians can be an intimidating bar for those who speak, teach, and make art from a place of privilege. Often, we run into issues of concern that we are 'doing it wrong.' We worry our errors will make us seem ignorant, uncaring, or 'bad people.' To move forward, bassoonist and educator Cayla Bellamy has outlined a five-step process that includes what she considers to be several steps to 'doing it the least wrong.'"

Dr. Bellamy is thankful to New Music USA for their interest in this topic following her popular presentation to a highly engaged audience at the Colorado Music Educators Association Clinic Conference in Jan.

Since then, Dr. Bellamy has also been invited to discuss diversifying curriculum with the Boulder Valley School District and the Colorado Choral Directors Association.

Read the article.