CSU Musicology professor Dr. K. Dawn Grapes recognized for research on the Renaissance

Dr. K. Dawn Grapes, Colorado State University associate professor of music was recently recognized for her continued research on the Renaissance in Britain.

In June, Dr. Grapes was awarded the Royal Musical Association’s Margarita M. Hanson Award for “Dowland,” a sole-authored book to be published by Oxford University Press in 2024. Renaissance composer John Dowland is known for sorrowful titles such as “Come, heavy sleep,” “Flow my tears,” and “In darkness let me dwell,” which he sang while playing the lute. The grant for research expenses was awarded in June 2023, and, according to the association’s website, the Margarita M. Hanson Fund makes awards annually to members of the association, and provides subventions for the publication of books about British music or musical culture before 1750. RMA.ac.uk

Earlier in the spring, Dr. Grapes presented a paper to the Renaissance Society of America, San Juan, Puerto Rico  titled ‘Worthiest Patronesse of Musicke’: Lucy Russell, Muse and Champion.” The Countess of Bedford was a great patron of the arts in the early 1600s and had the ear of Queen Anne. According to their website, “The Renaissance Society of America is the largest international organization devoted to the critical study of the world from 1300–1700 and its importance today.” rsa.org