K. Dawn Grapes

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Role: Faculty
Position: Associate Professor of Music; Coordinator of Musicology; Director of Graduate Studies
K. Dawn Grapes is an Associate Professor of Music History in the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance, where she teaches undergraduate and graduate music history and research courses and serves as Director of Graduate Studies and Musicology Area Coordinator. She holds a Ph.D. in Historical Musicology from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Specialty areas include the music of Early Modern England and music history pedagogy.
Authored books include With Mornefull Musique: Funeral Elegies in Early Modern England (Boydell Press, 2018), John Dowland: A Research and Information Guide (Routledge, 2020), and Dowland, featured in Oxford University Press's Composers Across Cultures (formerly Master Musicians) series (2024). She also authored the “John Dowland” and "Recorder" entries for Oxford Bibliographies (Oxford University Press, 2015 and 2017), as well as other peer-reviewed book chapters and articles. Dr. Grapes previously served as Reviews Editor for NABMSA Reviews (2016–2018). National conference paper presentations include those for the American Musicological Society (Denver 2023, Virtual 2021, Boston 2019, Rochester 2017, Boston—Teaching Music History 2017), Renaissance Society of America (San Juan 2023, Virtual 2021, Toronto 2019, Boston 2016), Society for Seventeenth-Century Music (Boulder 2018), College Music Society (Indianapolis 2015, Cambridge 2013), the North American British Music Studies Association biennial conference (Logan 2018, Syracuse 2016, Las Vegas 2014), the National Flute Association (2012), CEMERS Binghamton, NY (2015), and the Midwest Conference on British Studies (2013). In 2014, she presented at the International Interdisciplinary Symposium on Translation and Music at Cardiff University in Wales, in 2016 at the "Made in London" conference sponsored by the Institute of Music Research and London Metropolitan University, and in 2022 at the "Music since 1900" conference in Birmingham, UK. Past awards include 2023 subventions from the American Musicological Society and from the Royal Musical Association, the 2022 Eva O'Meara Award from the Music Library Association, a 2020 Claude V. Palisca Fellowship from the Renaissance Society of America, and a 2010 Ogilivy Travel Fellowship from the Boulder Center for British and Irish Studies for research studies in Oxford and London. Before joining the faculty at Colorado State, Dr. Grapes taught at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Front Range Community College, and Southern Utah University.
Dr. Grapes currently serves as Vice-President of the North American British Music Studies Association and as Rocky Mountain chapter representative to the AMS Council. She is a member of the American Musicological Society, College Music Society, North American British Music Studies Association, Society for Seventeenth-Century Music, and the Renaissance Society of America.
Dr. Grapes is the program notes writer for the Colorado Bach Ensemble and the Fort Collins Symphony, for which she also hosts a "Composer Talks" series. She is also an active performer on the flute along the Colorado Front Range.
Ph.D.- Historical Musicology, University of Colorado at Boulder
Books, Articles, Chapters Dowland (New York: Oxford University Press, 2024). John Dowland: A Research and Information Guide (New York: Routledge, a division of Taylor and Francis, 2020). With Mornefull Musique: Funeral Elegies in Early Modern England (Boydell, 2018) “Reviving Byrd: The 1923 Tercentenary,” in Byrd Studies in the Twenty-First Century, Samantha Bassler, Katherine Butler, and Katie Bank, eds., 171–88, 266–69 (Clemson: Clemson University Press, 2023). “Program Notes in the Classroom,” in The Performing Arts as High-Impact Practice, Susan Kattwinkel and Michelle Hayford, eds., 205–11 (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018). “Italian Tradition, English Innovation: Thomas Watson’s Italian Madrigalls Englished (1590),” Mediaevalia 39 (2018): 343–383. “Recorder,” Oxford Bibliographies, Bruce Gustafson, ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2017) http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199757824/obo-9780199757824-0214.xml. “William Byrd,” in A-R Online Music Anthology, Jonathan Rhodes Lee and James Zychowicz, eds. (Middleton, WI: A-R Editions, 2017) http://www.armusicanthology.com/anthology/Comp-Grapes-Byrd.pdf. “What Would Beethoven Google? Primary Sources in the 21st Century,” College Music Symposium 56 (2016) dx.doi.org/10.18177/sym.2016.56.itm.11120. “John Dowland,” Oxford Bibliographies, Bruce Gustafson, ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2015) http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/ obo-9780199757824/obo-9780199757824-0081.xml. “Understanding Syrinx: Finding the Voice of Pan, Part II,” Pan: The Journal of the British Flute Society 33, no. 2 (2014): 42–6. “Understanding Syrinx: Finding the Voice of Pan, Part I,” Pan: The Journal of the British Flute Society 33, no. 1 (2014): 26–9. Reviews “Setting the Table for a Musical Feast” Review in EMAg, The Magazine of Early Music America. https://www.earlymusicamerica.org/web-articles/book-review-setting-the-table-for-a-musical-feast// Review of Music and Instruments of Elizabethan England: The Eglantine Table (Woodbridge, UK: Boydell, 2021). Review of Resonances: Engaging Music in Its Cultural Context, edited by Esther M. Morgan-Ellis, in Journal of Music History Pedagogy 11, no. 1 (2021): 57–60, American Musicological Society, https://www.ams-net.org/ojs/index.php/jmhp/article/view/341. Review of The Norton Guide to Teaching Music History, by C. Matthew Balensuela,in Notes: The Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association, 77, no. 2 (2020): 310–312. https://www.musiclibraryassoc.org/page/Notes. *** Winner of the MLA Eva Judd O'Meara Award Review of Notes for Flutists: A Guide to Repertoire, by Kyle J. Dzapo (New York: Oxford University Press, 2016), in Notes: The Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association 74 (2018): 444–6, https://muse.jhu.edu/article/689290. Review of Senza Vestimenta: The Literary Tradition of Trecento Song, by Lauren McGuire Jennings (Farnham: Ashgate, 2014), in Renaissance Quarterly 69 (2016): 766–7, http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/pdfplus/10.1086/687702.