This summer, Horn Professor Dr. John McGuire performed with the Boulder Brass at the Mt. Saint Abbey Bach Festival in Mt. Angel, Ore. According to the festival’s website, the event, established in 1971, invites national and international musicians for a three-day classical music celebration. Guests enjoy vespers with the monks, a picnic supper, and featured performances.

John McGuire at the IHC with former University of Alabama student Cynthia Simpson and CSU Master’s student Emelie Pfaff.
In late Aug., Dr. McGuire took his studio to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for the biennial International Horn Competition of America. With over 100 competitors from around the world, the event is one of the most prestigious in the genre, with university and professional divisions judged by world-renowned panelists from around the county. During the competition, the organization formally awarded the 2017 edition of the competition to Colorado State University.
Dr. Blythe LaGasse, associate professor of Music Therapy and coordinator of Music Therapy at CSU, and CSU Music Therapy alum Tricia Hickle (‘14, M.M.) were notified in Sept. that Oxford Journals published their article titled Perception of Community and Learning in a Distance and Resident Graduate Course in Music Therapy Perspectives. The piece examines the following: Distance-learning opportunities have increased drastically in higher education over the past decade; however, there is little research on music therapy student perceptions of distance and online education. The purpose of this study was to measure perception of community (POC), perception of learning (POL), and academic performance in students enrolled in a graduate course offered face-to-face to resident-instruction (RI) students and online to distance-learning (DL) students.