Announcing Dr. Galit Kaunitz as CSU oboe professor

Galit Kaunitz headshotThe School of Music, Theatre, and Dance welcomes Dr. Galit Kaunitz as assistant professor of oboe. Dr. Kaunitz previously taught oboe at the University of Southern Mississippi and brings a wealth of teaching and performing experience to CSU. She has appeared throughout the United States as a guest artist, clinician, and performer and founded the Double Reed Dish podcast. Dr. Kaunitz received her D.M. in Oboe Performance from Florida State University.

About Galit Kaunitz

Dr. Galit Kaunitz is an active orchestral musician who performs solo and chamber music recitals and co-hosts the Double Reed Dish podcast with bassoonist Jacqueline Wilson. Galit explores themes of culture and identity through her solo and chamber music recitals. She has been invited to perform at International Double Reed Society conferences in 2016, 2019, 2021, 2022, and 2024, as well as College Music Society conferences in 2016 and 2018. She is dedicated to expanding the canon to include works by underrepresented and displaced composers and enthusiastically collaborates with composers to commission new works. She, Jacqueline Wilson, and pianist Fabio Menchetti recorded the album All Are Welcome in 2022, which features new commissions for oboe and bassoon by Connor Chee, brin solomon, Mason Bynes, and Kate Pukinskis. Galit is also uncovering the legacy of composer Elizabeth Gyring through performing and recording her works.

Galit is a dedicated teacher who loves educating and empowering students so they can succeed in their future endeavors. She is grateful to have studied under Eric Ohlsson, Rebecca Henderson, Humbert Lucarelli, and Marilyn Krentzman. Galit is a Marigaux artist and plays on a Marigaux 901.

Dr. Kaunitz earned her Doctor of Music in Oboe Performance at Florida State University, a Master of Music in Oboe Performance from the University of Texas at Austin, and a Bachelor of Music in Oboe Performance from the Hartt School of Music, University of Hartford.