Studio Overview
The fundamental goal of the CSU Flute Studio is that students learn and develop the tools needed to maintain a healthy and sustainable relationship with the flute, so they can, first and foremost, enjoy music throughout their lives, and consequently, be fully prepared for a fulfilling music career.
CSU studio flutists learn to work with finesse, intense focus, and detail on every aspect of flute performance. They develop the ability to carefully plan their practice so they consistently achieve a clearer presence of mind by avoiding distractions caused by struggle and tension. Attaining this presence of mind during daily practice is a fundamental principle of the work we do in the Flute Studio because it leads to more involved, joyful, and effortless playing. Likewise, musical outcomes (a high-quality performance) ensue from a state of concentration, confidence, and love for music. Rather than only learning repertoire, etudes, and technical skills, students are continuously practicing the intensely focused attitude and mind habits of great performers.
CSU flutists have become accomplished modern players: able, proficient, and, especially, knowledgeable in many styles and genres. The program is designed to help students learn to be adaptable to the very different demands and concentration required in an orchestral audition, the stamina of a full recital, the flexibility of an orchestral or chamber player, and the intensity of a concerto soloist. To this end, they enjoy a variety of performing experiences each semester including masterclasses with visiting artists, flute choir, symphony orchestra, opera orchestra, bands, chamber ensembles, and chamber orchestra.
This musical and personal growth is achieved in a safe and optimal environment where the opportunity for creativity, self-awareness, and expression can flourish in every student by offering them individual attention, abundant learning resources, and world-class facilities.
- Jupiter Bass Flute
- Armstrong Alto Flute
- Burkart Global piccolo (two)
- Yamaha piccolo (wood)
Study With

Michelle Stanley
- Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies
- Professor of Music
- Interim Vice Provost of Undergraduate Affairs

Audition Requirements
Undergraduate Application and Audition Process
Undergraduate audition (all degrees):
I. Auditions will consist of prepared repertoire, major scales with arpeggios, harmonic minor scales with arpeggios, and sight reading.
II. Prepare one (1) standard work for flute such as:
- Bach: Sonatas (any)
- Mozart: Concerto (G or D)
- Any works from the book “Flute Music by French Composers” (ed. by L. Moyse)
- Hindemith: Sonata
- Poulenc: Sonata
III. Prepare one (1) work of your choice. May be one movement from a selected piece.
Graduate Audition Repertoire
- All major and minor scales and arpeggios
- Sight Reading
- One Taffanel and Gaubert exercise of your choice
- One (1) standard work for flute. Suggestions include: A work from the Flute Music by French Composers compilation (pub. Schirmer); Mozart - Concerto in G or D; J. S. Bach Sonata (any); Poulenc Sonata; Hindemith Sonata
- Two orchestral excerpts of your choice. Standard excerpt repertoire can be chosen from Jeanne Baxtressor's excerpt book. Published by Presser.
- One work that includes extended techniques