Hosted by the Colorado Kodály Institute at Colorado State University
Sanna Longden is a well-known world dance educator who presents at Kodály, Orff, and other education conferences and chapters throughout North America and beyond. She has taught at universities, in-services, and folklore festivals, and serves as artist-in-residence in U.S. schools. Sanna’s series of instructional DVDs and CDs is sold worldwide through Pearson, music ed catalogues, and on her website, SannaFolkStyle.com. She is co-author with Phyllis S. Weikart of Cultures and Styling in Folk Dance (High/Scope Press, 1998), with Wendy Taucher of Making Music with Movement and Dance (Pearson, 2006), and is a clinician and contributing author to the Silver Burdett Making Music program published by Pearson Education.
To register, contact: carrienicholas@me.com
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1400 Remington St. - Fort Collins
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