We’re excited to announce the 2017 Alumni Marching Band as part of CSU’s Homecoming and Family Weekend on October 13-14! We hope that you’ll join us for the first Alumni Marching Band in the new on-campus stadium, as we bring together members from throughout our 117-year history. Reconnect with friends, meet others who have shared in the CSU Marching Band experience, and dust off your chops as we play, spin, or just cheer together for our Ram team. It’s going to be a historic season, and we’re excited for you to be part of it!
FAQs, registration, and more available on the Alumni Marching Band Information Page.
Tickets for this EventDetails
Date: October 14, 2017
Time: 9:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Cost: $27/Alumni Participation Package; $32/Football Game Tickets
Phone: N/A
1400 Remington St.
Fort Collins, CO, 80524
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Instrumental Rehearsal Hall, University Center for the Arts
1400 Remington St. - Fort Collins
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1400 Remington St. - Fort Collins
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