This inaugural event features performances by three area elementary school choirs – Zach, Bennett, and Beattie – of children grades 2-5. Come hear these young children perform for the first time on a university stage! Behind the scenes, and as interns in a practicum teaching setting, CSU Music Education majors will have assisted the elementary choir directors in preparing the children at their schools.
Nightly at 6:00 pmNovember 18
Friday, November 18, 2016 at 6:00 pm
Cost: FREE and open to the public
Organizer: Jennifer Clary
Phone: (970) 491-3603
Email: Jennifer.Clary@ColoState.EDU
1400 Remington St.
Fort Collins, CO, 80523
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Griffin Concert Hall, University Center for the Arts
1400 Remington St. - Fort Collins
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1400 Remington St. - Fort Collins
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