The Play of Daniel
With Guest John Carlo Pierce, Tenor; Directed by Joel Bacon
Pre-Concert lecture given by Dr. Bacon at 6:30 p.m.
The unique program features a performance by students and faculty of The Play of Daniel (Ludus Danielis), a sung drama from 13th century France. The play tells the biblical story of Daniel – including his fate in the lions’ den – through unaccompanied chant. Sung in Latin (and some medieval French) with English translations provided.
Schedule & Tickets
Nightly at 7:30 pmCost: No charge/CSU students, $3/youth (under 18), $12/senior (62+), $14/adult
Phone: N/A
1400 Remingon St.
Fort Collins, CO, 80524
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Organ Recital Hall, University Center for the Arts
1400 Remingon St. - Fort Collins
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1400 Remingon St. - Fort Collins
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