CSU Music Education Alumni Update Let us know what you've been doing lately — we look forward to hearing from you! Music Education Alumni Update and News Name* First Last Preferred Email - your contact information will never be shared* Enter Email Confirm Email Graduation Year (first degree)*What year did you graduate from CSU. If you have multiple degrees from CSU, please complete information for both degrees.Music Education Degree (first degree)*Bachelor of Music in Music EducationMaster of Music in Music EducationMaster of Music in Music Education - CompositionMaster of Music in Music Education - ConductingMaster of Music in Music Education - KodályIf you have multiple degrees from CSU, please complete information for both degrees.Graduation Year (second degree)*What year did you graduate from CSU. If you have multiple degrees from CSU, please complete information for both degrees.Music Education Degree (second degree)Bachelor of Music in Music EducationMaster of Music in Music EducationMaster of Music in Music Education - CompositionMaster of Music in Music Education - ConductingMaster of Music in Music Education - KodályIf you have multiple degrees from CSU, please complete information for both degrees.Employer/Company Name and Location*Please describe ways in which you have experienced innovation in your job. This can also include ways in which you overcame a challenge in order to find success with your students.Please list recognition(s) you or your students may have received in your current position.Please list any leadership roles you have assumed in your school, district, or state.Include here any information you would like shared publicly–your website, Facebook page, Twitter handle, YouTube channel, etc. URLs have the form http[s]://example.com/additional-identifier. For example, your Twitter URL could be https://twitter.com/yourhandle. Website/Social Media URL (include the "http")Upload ImageAccepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.Image Caption Update Your Contact Information