Student Organizations

Music Student Advisory Council

During the academic year, the Music Student Advisory Council meets monthly with the Music Program Head. Members receive updates on ongoing music and SMTD projects and policies, as well as serve as a forum to discuss issues that directly affect students.

The council will be comprised of six undergraduate students and three graduate students as follows:

  • 1 undergraduate from each of the four classifications (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior)
  • 2 undergraduate students at-large
  • 2 residential graduate students
  • 1 online graduate student

Nominees must be matriculated into a CSU music degree program, and must be full-time students during the semester of service. Nominees must hold a 2.8 GPA to be eligible.

Nominations, including self-nominations, should be sent to Dr. Goble at

Local, Regional, and National Associations

American Guild of Organists

The mission of the American Guild of Organists is to foster a thriving community of musicians who share their knowledge and inspire passion for the organ. The American Guild of Organists (AGO) is the national professional association serving the organ and choral music fields. The Guild serves approximately 14,700 members in 300 chapters throughout the United States and abroad.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Joel Bacon

American String Teachers Association Student Chapter

Membership in ASTA can be a very meaningful and rewarding experience. As a student member, you’ll receive the quarterly American String Teacher journal, networking opportunities via Facebook, discounted rates at ASTA conferences and workshops, and recognition through the journal, website, and awards program. Plus, you may take advantage of all the national member programs and benefits ASTA offers.

Membership as an individual student has many advantages, but membership in a student chapter adds strength, through unity, to become a strong voice for string music education. Through student membership, you can demonstrate your support for improving string education and performance. ASTA can help you and your fellow students achieve your goals—and you can be actively involved in making things happen!

Faculty Advisor: Margaret Miller

Collegiate National Association for Music Educators

CNAfME is an organization open to students who are interested in any phase of music teaching. Its purposes are: 1) to provide for professional development beyond the usual matters of classroom instruction; 2) to make it possible for students to further their education through participating in state, division, and national meetings of the NAfME and in on-campus activities of the Chapter; and 3) to provide opportunities for students to become acquainted with leaders in the profession. Annual chapter dues cover student fees from the national, state, and student chapters. Also included in this sum is reduced admission to the annual CMEA state convention, nine issues of the Music Educators Journal, and four issues of the Colorado Music Educator.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Seth Pendergast

Fort Collins Music Teachers Association

FCMTA is an affiliate of the Colorado State Music Teachers Association (CSMTA) and the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA). Music Teachers National Association’s membership includes 24,000 collegiate and private music teachers, with affiliates in all fifty states and over 500 local associations such as ours. Our members are dedicated to enhancing the quality of music education and promoting musical culture in our communities.

CSU Musicology Club

The CSU Musicology Club aims to explore the academic study of sound or music in a fun and exciting manner. Through stimulating discussions and various events, students will better understand their relationship with music and the field of musicology. Events may include guest speakers, attending and discussing live performances, opera/symphony movie nights, and traveling to musicological conferences.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Abigail Shupe

Club email:

Registered Student Organization found on RamLink

Music Therapy Student Association

The music therapy student association acquaints students with the American Music Therapy Association and provides supplemental learning experiences to their classroom studies. This is accomplished through the efforts of the club to bring in clinicians, and speakers, and to give the opportunity to participate in volunteer projects. MTSA is open to all interested students.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Andrew Knight

Delta Omicron

Delta Omicron is a professional fraternity for women and men interested in pursuing a music career. It requires a 3.0 average in music and a 2.0 average in all other subjects. Delta Omicron was founded to foster fellowship and further the appreciation of good music. Colorado State's chapter is involved in service projects throughout the year. They also sponsor a faculty recital, private musicals, and lectures.

CSU Chapter Facebook Page
CSU Chapter Website

Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity

The Kappa Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi, the National Honorary Band Fraternity, was reinstated at CSU in 2023. Kappa Kappa Psi is a co-ed fraternity for college and university band members and primarily operates as a recognition society providing service, leadership opportunities, and social programming. The Kappa Chapter was originally founded at CSU in 1924 as the tenth chapter of the fraternity but went inactive in the late 60s. The rechartering is of historical importance to the national organization and is being recognized and celebrated by other band programs and KKPsi chapters at colleges and universities in the more than 200 active chapters across the country. Read about the rechartering.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jayme Taylor

Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia

Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity is a national men's music fraternity dedicated to supporting and advancing music in America. Sinfonia fosters music appreciation and learning at the University level, in the community, and nationally. The group is open to men interested in music with an overall GPA of 2.4 or higher.

CSU Chapter Facebook Page

Sigma Alpha Iota

The mission of Sigma Alpha Iota International Music Fraternity is to encourage, nurture, and support the art of music. SAI supports and encourages women musicians of all ages, races, and nationalities, and promotes programs and activities that stress the love and importance of music in our lives. The Mu Tau chapter was chartered in 2017 and is open to women who have completed at least one semester at CSU with a 2.5 GPA and have completed (or are in the process of completing) at least one music credit at CSU.

Chapter website
National website
Faculty Advisor: Copper Ferreira