Remembrance, With guest Margaret Miller, Viola
The choir and orchestra, directed by Dr. Ryan Olsen, combine to perform “Anne Frank: A Living Voice” by Linda Tutas Haugen. This choral song cycle for women’s choir and strings traces the emotional journey Anne Frank underwent as she tried to comprehend the events of the Holocaust during World War II. Using Frank’s own words, the piece goes through a range of emotions from fear, confusion, heartbreak, hope, and even the optimism and joy of a young adolescent. Often performed with a string quartet, this is the first time that the piece will be performed with a chamber string orchestra. Viola Professor Margaret Miller joins the orchestra, directed by Leslie Stewart, for Hindemith’s Trauermusik.
Matinees at 2:00 pmMarch 5
Saturday, March 5, 2016 at 2:00 pm
Cost: FREE
Phone: N/A
1400 Remington St.
Fort Collins, CO, 80523
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Griffin Concert Hall, University Center for the Arts
1400 Remington St. - Fort Collins
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1400 Remington St. - Fort Collins
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