


Sweet Serenades Performed by the Symphonic Band

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Symphonic Band french horn section pictured

By: Madeline Bombardi, UCA Marketing Intern On a concert that nods to the festive May 5th date, the Symphonic Band’s pursuit of great wind literature, creating a transformative experience for the audience, and musical and artistic growth of its musicians lead Dr. Richard Frey, associate director of bands, to select David Maslanka’s Concerto for Clarinet […]

Concert Orchestra and Concert Band: A Night of Combined Musical Excellence

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University Orchestra 2006 Performance Photo

On the first of May, students from the Colorado State University Concert Orchestra and the Concert Band took the stage for an evening of Italian and water themes. The free performance was the final ensemble concert at the University Center for the Arts for the semester, and included students from almost every college at CSU. […]

April 2016 Faculty Notes

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Rebecca Phillips pictured conducting

Last fall, Assistant Professor of Music History K. Dawn Grapes had her annotated bibliography/research guide to “John Dowland” recently published online by Oxford University Press in Oxford Bibliographies. In her introduction, Dr. Grapes describes Dowland (b. 1563–d. 1623) as an internationally known English musician of the late 16th and early 17th centuries. As the most […]