


CSU Symphonic Band performs dramatic ‘Made in Europe’

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Symphonic Band pictured in Griffin Concert Hall

March 2, 2017 By Emma Turner – reprinted with permission from the Collegian. Patrons of music gathered in the University Center for the Arts’ Griffin Concert Hall Tuesday night to hear the Colorado State University Symphonic Band. The performance was titled “Made in Europe” and featured four pieces from various European romantic and 20th century […]

Wind Symphony Recognizes British Conflict and Composers

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Wind Symphony performance photo

By Brandon Adams, Marketing & Publicity Throughout the 2016-2017 school year, the Colorado State University Wind Symphony has honored active duty and veteran military, police, fire, and medical services at each of their performances, playing music that reflects on various world conflicts. On Feb. 24, they continue their series by focusing on Europe, specifically Great […]

Canadian Brass at Colorado State University

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Canadian Brass promotional photo

Renowned ensemble gives a free master class for campus and community musicians.

The School of Music, Theatre and Dance at Colorado State University hosts The Canadian Brass for a master class on Sunday, Jan. 29 at 10 a.m. The special event is taking place in the Organ Recital Hall at the University Center for the Arts, located at 1400 Remington St.