


April 2017 Faculty Notes

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Last fall, Dr. Bonnie Jacobi, coordinator of music education at CSU, was nominated for the Online Innovative Educator (OLIE) Award. The OLIE (pronounced “OH-LEE”) is a student-nominated award “University Award” presented at both the spring and fall CSU Online Graduation Brunches to recognize instructors who: are able to establish positive relationships with students; are responsive, […]

April 2017 Class Notes

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Sunset over the ocean

Amy Barkley (Mills), 2012, B.A. Performing Arts After completing my degree, I spent time stage managing and designing at Bas Bleu Theatre Company in Fort Collins. I moved to Seattle in Sept. of 2014, and have since completed a stage management internship with the Seattle Repertory Theatre. During my time there, I was involved in […]

March 2017 Faculty Notes

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Denver Young Artist Orchestra pictured conducted by Wes Kenney

Wes Kenney, director of orchestras at CSU, had a rewarding start to 2017! It was announced by the Fort Collins Symphony Association’s board president Rhett B. Strom that Maestro Kenney signed a five-year contract extension as music director of the 67-year-old organization. Now in his fourteenth year with the symphony, the award-winning conductor will continue […]